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Raylib Tutorial 01: Drawing basic shapes - Pixel and Line

In the previous post, we learned how to display a window using the game programming library raylib. But, that is no good in itself especially if your goal is to make video games. To that end we should be able to show some thing inside the window. Please keep in mind that understanding these basics is crucial to build a solid foundation.  So, this time we will be exploring various ways of drawing basic geometric shapes using this liberary. Let us start by drawing a single pixel. Type the following line after the 'ClearBackground()' function call. And that is all you need here. you can run your code after this by pressing F6 key (default). In the window, you will be able to notice a tiny white pixel surrounded by dark gray. Alternatively, we can pass the co-ordinates in the form of "vector". For now, don't worry about what a vector is. Just know that it is a mathematical concept used to indicate location data. Here is our new code. Notice the double forward slash in...

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